Friday, August 29, 2014

Connections By Maya - SPSTeam Cross Promotion

Today I'm promoting my friend Maya from ConnectionsByMaya - handcrafted, artisan designed jewelry.

I was originally drawn to Maya's work by the handcrafted jewelry pieces and her photography work. Each image caused me to want to see more of what she offered.

Maya is a very creative individual who is constantly investigating new techniques, materials and designs. She takes great pride in the pieces she creates. As Maya put it - "It must be right - both for you and for me!"

SPSTeam August Cross Promotion - Train Ride

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Strategic Promotion for Success - Shop feature

I am so delighted to share the feature of my three Etsy shops on the Strategic Promotion for Success. Learn more about my Etsy shop adventure:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hard to believe it's already that time of year. If you're in search of those fashionable items for college or high school you might want to check these out: